Baxter of California from Pomade Goods

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If you want a pomade for men that helps separate, define and sculpt the hair then this brand offers just that. If you were specifically looking for something that lets you slick back your hair without it drying out and leaving your hair stiff and hard then maybe try Baxter Clay Pomade. Not only does it leave your hair with a natural look, but it also keeps your hair soft while maintaining the style you want.

Baxter of California products, are generally a little more expensive in comparison to other pomade products by 2-4 dollars, although it is definitely worth it. For those who are sensitive to the smell of pomade, this pomade does have a waxy smell. The scent is not strong at all, and does not bother me thus the reason I keep re-purchasing this pomade. The pomade is around 2oz or roughly 60ml, and lasts me roughly 1-2 months. I do not use a lot of the product, maybe no more than one small finger scoop.

For those who want to try a cheap pomade to trial, I think it would be a waste. I trialled a cheap pomade when I first began looking into men’s hair pomade and not only was the scent over powering to the point it gave me headaches, throughout the day my hair would start getting flat and the pomade didn’t hold. As I pointed out previously, Baxter Clay Pomade’s hold is great! I have even put a hat on and then later removed it and was able to rework my hair to the style I want.

Because I know what I want, I purchase all my men’s hair pomade products from Pomade Goods. Not only are they reasonably priced, they are reliable and offer a great range of products. I’ll probably keep going to these guys from here on out as I’ve never had a problem with them and have been returning to their website for about 7-8 months!

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